
Seven Deadly Sins

I was getting my morning coffee ready, and I accidentally knocked over a wine bottle. Luckily no spillage or broken glass, but it made me glance at the wine label. The Seven Deadly Zins.

Seven Deadly Zins

Seven Deadly Zins

This brought back memories from my preparation to the First Communion in Poland. I believe I was in 3rd or 4th grade at the time. I remember we had to cram a lot, and we needed to be able to recite the whole catechism from memory. It was a complete brain wash!

As I was drinking my coffee, I asked myself a question: Did the Catholic Church succeed in their indoctrination? Can I really recall the the Seven Deadly Sins on the whim? Sure enough! I was easily able to recite:

  1. Pycha – pride (lat. superbia)
  2. Chciwość – greed (lat. avaritia)
  3. Nieczystość – lust (lat. luxuria)
  4. Zazdrość – envy (lat. invidia)
  5. Nieumiarkowanie w jedzeniu i piciu – gluttony (lat. gula)
  6. Gniew – wrath (lat. ira)
  7. Lenistowo – sloth (lat. acedia)

It’s amazing how much our minds are absorbent while we are little. They can really be shaped and molded. This is exactly how regimes and religions are able to control their populations. So be mindful of what your children are exposed to, as they will likely remember this for a long time.

As for my kids, I just want them to have a happy childhood as I did (sans the brainwashing, naturally) and grow up to be decent people 🙂