Today marks an important milestone. TT’s next-generation mobile trading app for Android has been deployed to Google Play Store. It’s still in pre-release and available only to beta testers, but we are getting closer every day. It’s very stable and usable. The overall look has deviated slightly from my original design, but I like it better this way. It’s a little bit more intuitive. Below are the main functions of the app so far.
- Watchlist of instruments
- Instrument-centric view of orders and positions
- Trading from order ticket
- Trading and order management from price ladder (MD Trader)
- Order management screen
- Fills and Positions
- Forever Audit Trail
The users can input trades from order ticket and MD Trader, monitor orders, have a watchlist of instruments, inspect their positions and watch the forever audit trail. Not too shabby for a mobile app! Very full featured, especially when compared to what’s out there. The team did an outstanding job. Oh, and iOS app is coming along as well.
If you have a @tradingtechnologies email address, head over to the link below and download your copy for Android.
(pssst – can’t access the page? Make sure you’re logged in only with your TT account. Try incognito mode)
For those of you who don’t yet have access, take a look at some screenshots below.
- Login screen with environment selection. This is how you can get to Simulation or Production trading.
- Side menu with easy to read icons
- About screen with basic info about the app
- This is the instrument watchlist
- Swipe to the right to remove instrument from the list. Very much like in GMail
- Instrument-centric view of the world. Inside market, last traded price, positions and orders.
- Placing order via Order Ticket
- Managing orders from Instrument screen
- MD Trader with two working Bid orders
- Settings screen for MD Trader. You can choose quantity and account.
- Placing a new Ask order via MD Trader
- Instrument screen showing working orders
- Managing orders via Orders screen
- Forever Audit Trail lets you scroll into the past. Data is fetched from central database on-demand
- Here are your Fills