Despite my earlier blog post, I decided to take part in the “sexiest” mortgage calculator contest after all. It seemed like a perfect excuse to give Silverlight 3 a try. The end result may not be the sexiest (I’m a developer, not a designer), but I think it’s fairly functional. Actually, I wish I had a tool like that when I was shopping for mortgages. I had a lot of fun writing this app, and I learned a lot.
EDIT: Nice – I just stumbled upon a website of Rene de Paula jr that mentions my calculator (translation from Portuguese). News travel fast on the internets =)
Update: The results are in and while I did not win, I had a lot of fun learning Silverlight 3. Here are the submissions that won. Pretty cool, I must admit. They all tend to use standard JavaScript, Google Charts and Flash. I may revise my calculator and use some of their ideas.
- 1st place – (former site)
- 2nd place –
- 3rd place –
Congrats to the winners!